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Work Plan

The TeamPlay project runs from January 2018 to June 2021 and is organised in 7 work packages.

Work package 1: Energy-, Time- and Security-Aware Contracts

January 2018 – October 2020.


  • Develop new tools and techniques that will allow the programmer to accurately reflect on and reason about energy, time and security, both worst- and average-case, at the program source level.
  • Build interfaces to TeamPlay energy-, time- & security aware analyses, compiler, etc. structures.
  • Provide machine-checkable proofs that can be used to formally verify energy, time and security requirements.

Work package 2: Energy-, Time- and Security-Aware Multicore Coordination

January 2018 – October 2020.


  • Lift energy-, time- and security-awareness from the code level to the system level.
  • Provide energy-, time- and security-aware task coordination within a single application.
  • Develop energy-, time- and security-aware mapping and scheduling techniques for running multiple applications on parallel and heterogeneous multicore architectures.
  • Study how to adjust coordination decisions dynamically to adapt to changing environmental conditions regarding energy, time (e.g. energy cost varying over time) and required security level. 

Work package 3: Energy-, Time- and Security-Aware Compilation and Optimisation

January 2018 – October 2020.


  • Study which formal techniques are principally (in-) feasible for multi-criterial compiler optimization,
  • Develop novel optimisations that trade energy with time, both in terms of average- and worst-case behaviours, and that take security into account for tradeoff decisions.
  • Provide a rationale in how far optimising for timing is equivalent to optimising for energy, and the impact on security 

Work Package 4: Modelling and Analysis of Energy, Time and Security

January 2018 – October 2020.


  • Study and measure the energy consumption and timing behaviour of real-world embedded systems, and produce corresponding novel energy usage, timing and security models that can be used to: i) inform static resource usage analysis during system development, ii) dynamically assess and predict energy consumption during system development and at run-time, and iii) characterize the security level of the system (e.g. wrt. information leakage).
  • Develop new analyses and tools that will yield accurate code-level analyses of energy usage, timing and security.
  • Describe mixed hardware / software processors in terms of power and timing, in a way which is relevant to side-channel resistance assessment. 

Work package 5: Requirements Analysis, Integration and Industrial Validation

January 2018 – June 2021.


  • Define requirements and evaluation metrics.
  • Evaluate the TeamPlay results against these metrics.
  • Propose improvements to tools and techniques.
  • Implement the TeamPlay developments in the different demonstrators and validate them.
  • Provide an energy-ecient software engineering methodology and roadmap for wider use and long-term exploitation of project results.
  • Guarantee that the proposed methodology is compatible with software quality standards and improves productivity.
  • Provide a gap analysis of the proposed methodology and tools against the certification standards of the proposed domains (autonomous vehicle control, space) that allows the easy validation of the project results by the corresponding certification authorities (e.g., ESA).


Work package 6: Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication

January 2018 – June 2021.


  • Disseminate research results to the scientific community.
  • Ensure awareness of the results in the user community.
  • Raise general public awareness of the TeamPlay project, using an Open Science model.
  • Define individual exploitation plans.
  • Manage existing and new intellectual property. 

Work package 7: Project Management

January 2018 – June 2021.

The objectives of WP7 are to undertake all project management activities, including:

  • Monitoring the overall progress of the project.
  • Ensuring the timely production of deliverables and other project outputs.
  • Reporting to the European Commission on technical matters and delivrables.
  • Reporting to the European Commission on financial matters.
  • Preparing and attending the annual project review meetings.
  • Managing the project Advisory Board interactions
  • Ensuring conflict resolution when needed
  • Implementing the collaboration with similar EU projects, including participation to relevant collaboration workshops and activities organized by the European Commission.